Although large breasts in most communities are one of the women’s beauty signs, very large breasts cause body shape sagging, pain in the neck and back, as well as skin infections under the breasts. Another consequence of excessive breast size is the psychological pressure caused by others’ looks. Breast size is mostly hereditary. In some people, the breast size is large from the beginning, and in some others, it appears after the end of breastfeeding. Diets do not have much effect on minimizing the breasts and sometimes only cause an awkward body shape. Such people have many problems finding suitable clothes.
By doing a reduction mammoplasty, there will be no more pain and stress.
Reduction mammoplasty is not age-specific and can be performed at any age. Provided that the body growth period is over and the breasts’ final size is determined.
The surgery method:
Removing a part of the skin, adipose tissue, and mammary glands from the lower part of the breast can turn a large breast into a beautiful shape breast in harmony with the body. The breast shape can be rejuvenated by moving the nipple upwards. Displacement of the nipple is done along with moving the relevant nerves and arteries and does not disturb its sensation.
Available results:
Reduction to cup sizes A to D is possible. Smaller sizes usually last longer than larger ones. Larger sizes fall out again after a while. People are often very satisfied with their surgery results and quickly accept their new breast size. By doing this operation, the aging process does not stop and after a while, the breasts will sag.
Anesthesia and hospital stay time:
Surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and most patients need to be hospitalized for 1 to 2 nights.
Preoperative recommendations:
The use of drugs that have anticoagulant properties should be discontinued by consulting the physician at least 14 days before the surgery date.
Minimize nicotine and alcohol use 4 weeks before surgery.
Be sure to tell your surgeon if you have any allergies or illnesses.
Be sure to tell your surgeon if you get bruises quickly after a small blow.
Be sure to tell your surgeon if you decide to lose weight or get pregnant.
It is recommended to do mammography or ultrasound to examine the breast tissue before surgery.
The technique chosen for surgery varies from person to person. Normally, the surgeon cuts around and under the areola to the line below the breast, which is called a vertical incision or Lejour.
The inverted T incision is another incision that is commonly used for very large breasts. In addition to the vertical cut, there is also a horizontal cut below the breast line.
The taken weight of each breast can vary from a few grams to 1.5 kilograms. The suture is done in the skin layer itself. Tubes are usually inserted into the wound to drain serum or blood, which are removed after 1 to 2 days. The surgery duration is usually between 2 and 3 hours.
Notable side effects:
Widened and ugly suture line
The infection possibility and the need to reopen the wound
The possibility of re-surgery to improve the result
Swelling or stiffness in the breast tissue that can last for a long time
Temporary anesthesia possibility for a while after the surgery
Recommended measures after the operation:
The breasts may become stiff and painful immediately after surgery and you may need to use painkillers.
Use a special breast girdle for up to 6 weeks.
If the sutures are not removable, remove them after 7 to 10 days.
Direct sunlight and solarium should be avoided for up to 6 months to prevent suture line blur.
The patient can take a shower after 3 days, while swimming is not recommended for the first months.
The final operation result is expected at least 6 months after the surgery.
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