A flat stomach and a slim waist is the desire of many people, but unfortunately, it is not always possible through exercise and diet alone. After excessive weight loss or pregnancy, the body is not able to return the abdominal skin to its original state due to loosening or damage to the connective tissue in the subcutaneous layer, and as a result, the abdominal skin becomes loose, sagging, wrinkled and cracked.
Abdominal muscle loosening can also be another consequence of pregnancy overweight, especially the vertical abdominal muscles, which move away from each other. These changes are not reversible even with the most difficult exercises.
Abdominoplasty surgery can improve the shape of the abdomen. The loose skin is pulled down and the excess is cut and removed. The umbilicus is implanted in its new location and the spaced muscles are brought back together

Consequences of Abdominoplasty:
Abdominoplasty is not a means to lose weight. Liposuction is often needed at the same time as Abdominoplasty. The best results are obtained in thin patients with abdomen sagging skin. The horizontal and almost long surgery suture line is on top of the vagina hair growth area, which is covered by panties.
Risks of Abdominoplasty:
The abdominoplasty risks are low, provided that the surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon who has sufficient experience.
Swelling, bruising, wound infection, bleeding, wound opening, the suture line widening, thrombosis, and embolism are some of the risks.
Recommendations before abdominoplasty
The use of drugs that have anticoagulant properties should be discontinued by consulting the physician at least 14 days before the surgery date.
Minimize nicotine and alcohol consumption 4 weeks before the surgery date
Be sure to tell your surgeon if you have any allergies or illnesses.
Be sure to tell your surgeon if you get bruises quickly with small bumps.
Postoperative recommendations:
Do not use the bedpan for a long time after the surgery and try to get up and go to the toilet with the help in the evening of the surgery day, and have a short walk in the hospital corridor the next day.
If the sutures are not absorbable, remove them after 10-12 days.
It is recommended to rest at home for a week.
Use abdominal genitals for 6 weeks after surgery.
Avoid heavy lifting and sports activities such as swimming for 8-10 weeks.
Avoid sunbathing and solarium for 12 weeks.
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